7 Results

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  • Creality Sermoon D3 Pro 3D PrinterCreality Sermoon D3 Pro 3D PrinterCreality Sermoon D3 Pro 3D PrinterCreality Sermoon D3 Pro 3D PrinterCreality Sermoon D3 Pro 3D Printer
    Dual Extrusion, Versatile and Efficient.Instant Switch of Extrusion.Stay Auto-leveled for a long time.Flexible Build plate.Higher Production Capacity with less hassle.Built for 24/7 Production.Lighting kit.Power Loss Recovery.Filament Runout Sensor.Built-in Camera.
    Sku: p3d053

    Creality Sermoon D3 Pro 3D Printer

    299,999.00 Add to cart
  • Creatbot F430 NX 3D printerCreatbot F430 NX 3D printer
    The Creatbot F430 NX 3D printer is a high-temperature IDEX 3D printer for working with various materials, including refractory polymers that require high temperatures not only for extrusion, but also for the bed. The Creatbot F430 NX allows you to work with engineering plastics with a melting point of up to 420 °C and a maximum temperature inside the working chamber of up to 70 °C.
    Sku: p3d055

    Creatbot F430 NX 3D printer

    974,999.00 Add to cart
  • Magform P10 3D PrinterMagform P10 3D Printer
    The P10 is a 3D printer produced by MagForms, a manufacturer based in China.It uses the LCD technology to produce thermosets parts using resin feedstock.
    Sku: p3d052

    Magform P10 3D Printer

    272,999.00 Add to cart
  • Embark on your Additive Manufacturing Adventure with Pratham!
    The ultimate entry-level industrial 3D printer to kickstart your journey. User-friendly with minimal technical demands. Turning your prototypes into reality is just a step away. Start Now!


  • Top Choice Entry-Level 3D Printer for Students!
    Pratham MINI is a simple 3D printer for students, schools, and personal projects. It can print objects up to 170x170x170 mm in size. You can choose from three colours, which are proudly made in India!

    Pratham MINI

  • Snapmaker Artisan 3-in-1  3D PrinterSnapmaker Artisan 3-in-1  3D PrinterSnapmaker Artisan 3-in-1  3D PrinterSnapmaker Artisan 3-in-1  3D PrinterSnapmaker Artisan 3-in-1  3D Printer
    Look at the 3-in-1 Snapmaker Artisan 3D Printer.This machine is ideal for makers, artists, and hobbyists because it has capabilities for precision printing, laser engraving, and CNC carving.Both novices and professionals will find it to be a great choice thanks to its user-friendly software and sturdy construction.Additionally, the Snapmaker Artisan 3-in-1 3D Printer will look great in any workspace thanks to its stylish appearance and small size.Order yours today and start bringing your ideas to life!
    Sku: p3d054

    Snapmaker Artisan 3-in-1 3D Printer

    316,677.00 Add to cart
  • Zmorph Fab Advance 2-in-1 3D PrinterZmorph Fab Advance 2-in-1 3D PrinterZmorph Fab Advance 2-in-1 3D PrinterZmorph Fab Advance 2-in-1 3D PrinterZmorph Fab Advance 2-in-1 3D Printer
    Zmorph Fab Advanced set - 1. Dual Extruder Toolhead 1.75mm2. CNC Milling Toolhead3. Thick Paste Extruder Toolhead 3D Printing - Work Area: 235 x 250 x 165mm; Materials: PLA, ABS, PET, Nylon, PVA, HIPS, ASA, TPE, PP, PC, PMMA, PC/ABSCNC Milling - Work Area: 235 x 250 x 85 mm; Materials: ABS, Nylon, HDPE, PTFE, PC, PP, POM, PMMA, PVC, HIPS, LDPE, PET, Carbon, CCL FR4, Dibond, TCF, Wood, Wood-like, Aluminum, Brass, Copper, Cardboard, Wax, Modeling board, StyrodurThick Paste Extruder - Work Area: up to 250x235x165 mm; Material capacity - 100ml; Material - ceramics, Nutella, chocolate and sugar toppings, and cookie dough.Comes with a "Voxelizer" all-in-one software compatible with all tool heads.
    Sku: p3d051

    Zmorph Fab Advance 2-in-1 3D Printer

    254,999.00 Add to cart